is ntoskrnl.exe error?
Ntoskrnl.exe error is closely
related with ntoskrnl.exe which serves as a kernel image of Windows NT
operating system. Ntoskrnl.exe is designed to provide the Kernel and Executive
layers of the Windows NT kernel space and is responsible for the operation of
critical system services, including hardware virtualization, process management
and memory distribution. There are multiple system problems have the ability to
result in ntoskrnl.exe error
messages, including damaged or missing ntoskrnl.exe, corrupt ntoskrnl.exe
removal/repair failure, incompatible version of ntoskrnl.exe, damaged program
install/uninstall failure, undesirable damage onto the associated files of ntoskrnl.exe
and malware attacks. The associated
files of ntoskrnl.exe contain wnaspi32.dll, win32s16.dll, ntdll.dll,
np16b6.tmp, msgina.dll, itcc.dll, HookDll.dll, imagehlp.dll, mhn.dll, bwmib.dll
and wtopl32.dll.