What is mrvgina.dll error?
Mrvgina.dll error is a common .dll error
that is associated with mrvgina.dll. Mrvgina.dll serves as a Standard
Process of Wireless Client Card GINA Utility from Marvell and is used as
a graphical identification and authentication dynamic link library file
for establishing remote desktop connection. Mrvgina.dll error can be
caused by multiple system problems, including damaged or missing
mrvgina.dll, mrvgina.dll install failure, incompatible version of
mrvgina.dll, corrupt mrvgina.dll repair/removal failure, associated
files corruption, driver update failure, and undesired damage on driver
files, cyber threat attacks and undesirable modification on Windows
registry. The associated files of mrvgina.dll contain acs.exe, cmags.exe and mrv8000x.dll.